Hashrate System(BH/SH/TH)

The Hashrate System is a core indicator in Social Kingdom that represents a user's "mining power". This system evaluates users by combining their basic participation level with daily social media activities.

The Hashrate consists of three elements:

  1. Basic Hashrate (BH)

  2. Social Hashrate (SH)

  3. Total Hashrate (TH)

Basic Hashrate (BH)

  • Initial value of 100 BH is granted upon account creation.

  • +10 BH is added for daily logins (up to +70 BH for 7 consecutive days).

  • BH encourages long-term participation and guarantees basic mining power for new users.

Social Hashrate (SH)

SH = (AP * EM * Follower Coefficient) / 100


  • AP: Activity Points

  • EM: Engagement Multiplier

  • Follower Coefficient:

    • 1-1000 followers: 1.0

    • 1001-10000 followers: 1.2

    • 10001-100000 followers: 1.5

    • 100001+ followers: 2.0

SH reflects the quality and quantity of daily social media activities and resets at midnight every day.

Total Hashrate (TH)

TH = BH + SH

TH represents the user's overall "mining power" and directly affects the amount of tokens mined.

Impact of Hashrate

  1. Determination of Token Mining Amount: Users with higher TH can mine more tokens.

  2. Expression of Mining Efficiency: TH indicates a user's "mining efficiency". Users with higher TH can earn more tokens for the same amount of activity.

  3. Calculation Basis for Weekly Bonus: Bonus tokens are distributed based on the weekly average TH.

  4. Ranking and Status: TH serves as a criterion for user rankings, and users with high TH may gain special status or privileges.

Hashrate Optimization Strategies

  1. Log in daily to steadily increase BH.

  2. Make high quality posts and actively interact with followers to increase EM.

  3. Maintain moderate activity throughout the day for efficient AP acquisition.

  4. Increase the number of followers to improve the follower coefficient.

Last updated