Engagement Multiplier (EM)

The Engagement Multiplier (EM) is a crucial indicator in Social Kingdom that evaluates the quality of a user's social media activity. EM measures the degree of substantial interaction with followers, rather than just the quantity of activity.

Calculation Method

EM = (Likes + Retweets * 2 + Comments * 3) / Number of Followers

In this formula:

  • Retweets are valued twice as much as likes

  • Comments are valued three times as much

This promotes deeper interactions.

Calculation Period

EM is calculated based on activity over the last 24 hours, reflecting the latest activity trends and encouraging continuous engagement.

EM Value-Based Multipliers

  • 0.5-1%: 1x (baseline)

  • 1-2%: 1.2x

  • 2-3%: 1.4x

  • 3-4%: 1.6x

  • 4-5%: 1.8x

  • 5-7%: 2x

  • 7-10%: 2.5x

  • Over 10%: 3x

These multipliers directly affect the calculation of Social Hashrate (SH).

Account Size Consideration

As accounts with more followers tend to have lower engagement rates, the following adjustments are made:

  • Less than 1000 followers: Apply the above multipliers as is

  • 1000-10000 followers: Multiply each percentage bracket by 0.8

  • 10000-100000 followers: Multiply each percentage bracket by 0.6

  • Over 100000 followers: Multiply each percentage bracket by 0.4

For example, an account with 50000 followers would receive a 1.8x multiplier for a 5% engagement rate (3% * 0.6 = 1.8%).

Importance of EM

  1. Promoting High-Quality Interactions: Emphasizes substantial dialogue with followers over mere quantity, improving the overall quality of the community.

  2. Fair Evaluation: Properly evaluates truly influential users regardless of follower count.

  3. Encouraging Strategic Activity: Users can be aware of their EM value and develop more effective social media strategies.

Last updated